BS 75mm Belt Sander in Systainer with Sanding Frame Set
The 75 mm wide belt sander is the ideal tool for coarse and fine sanding of workpieces with absolute precision, parallel to the grain.
Working in only one direction along the grain prevents sanding rings from developing, thereby eliminating laborious and time consuming reworking. Easy to guide and comfortable to use, the BS 75 can also be quickly fitted to the flat area frame, significantly increasing the quality of your results.
The available bench set can also quickly and easily convert the belt sander to a bench-mounted unit, and clean working conditions are guaranteed when used with a Festool Dust Extractor.
Main Applications
- Fine sanding of flat surfaces
- Coarse sanding of flat surfaces
- Light sanding of high quality, veneered surfaces
- Sanding out planing blemishes
- Sanding strip material with the bench unit
The flat area frame allows you to set the machine down smoothly onto the workpiece while it is running, without damaging the surface of your workpiece.
The sanding belt is guided safely and accurately for efficient work and a perfect sanding finish. Precision adjustment ensures consistent accurate work after the belt is changed.
The wide 75 mm hard wearing coarse and fine sanding belts guarantee a high coverage capacity, assisted by the strong pulling force generated by the powerful motor.
Festool belt sanders can be fitted to the frame without the use of tools and are just as easy to remove.
The integrated dust extractor connection guarantees clean working conditions, with the flexibility of using a 27 mm or 36 mm diameter hose.
A bench-mounted sander is more appropriate for some jobs. Quick conversion from a handheld sander to a secure bench-mounted unit ensures flexibility.
1 x BS 75 Belt Sander
2 x 80 Grit Sanding Belts
Bench Unit
Sanding Frame
Systainer3 SYS XXL
Tool Manual